Stop Smoking Hypnotherapy

Stop Smoking Hypnotherapy

Many people are choosing to stop smoking to improve their health and fitness and to save money, as smoking becomes less and less acceptable.

The financial benefits are considerable, especially if you calculate how much you spend on cigarettes over a given period of time such as the amount that you spend in a year. And if you consider alternative uses for that money, the choices are endless.

Smoking damages health. There is no doubt about that, but smokers dissociate from this. And it is not surprising that smoking damages health, considering that there are approximately 4,000 chemicals in cigarettes, many of them toxic.

The sooner you stop smoking, the quicker your body will begin to heal and you can experience the benefits. The health and fitness benefits start fairly quickly, and damage begins to be reversed. For example, it only takes approximately a month for lung function to increase by approximately one third.

Stop Smoking Hypnotherapy

Hypnotherapy is now recognised as the most effective method of helping people to stop smoking. At Solution Focused Therapy Dublin, we have extensive experience of helping people to stop smoking utilising hypnotherapy which is tailored to individual needs, and usually involves one session. During this session we discuss your smoking history which includes your smoking habits and your emotional associations with it. We use hypnosis to help you to change associations with smoking habits and feelings, and to help you to associate smoking with its negative aspects. Hypnotherapy also helps you to feel good as a non-smoker, which a hugely motivating benefit that you can achieve with our stop smoking hypnotherapy programme. We follow up the smoking cessation session a few days later with a short session for reinforced motivation.

This hypnotherapy approach is very successful in the majority of cases. In a small number of cases people have underlying issues in their life that may be sustaining smoking as an addictive behaviour, and they may need additional help to deal with these issues.


Addictions, whether it be drinking alcohol, taking drugs, over- or under-eating, shopping, gambling, sex or even doing good deeds, results from a person trying to fill a void or block out something that is missing in their life. Even smoking may start for that reason. Finding healthy ways to get your emotional needs met in balance is an important part of overcoming addictions.

We know, from research, that people who feel fulfilled in their lives do not need (or stop needing) to indulge in addictive activities. In one famous experiment, rats were offered either morphine-laced water or ordinary water. When rats were kept alone in small cages, they tended to opt for the morphine, but when they were kept in groups in areas similar to their natural habitats, they preferred to drink the water. When the rats in the natural habitat were then put singly into cages, they started choosing the morphine-laced water, while the rats originally in the cages stopped choosing the morphine when put into natural-style habitats. This showed clearly that, when needs were met, rats did not want drugs. The same effect is found in humans. Most young people give up drug experimentation when they start careers and families.

People are much more likely to get caught up in addictions when important needs cease to be met, perhaps because of loss, caused by the death of someone close, a relationship ending, redundancy or illness, or by dissatisfaction arising from boredom or feeling trapped. Sometimes such circumstances lead first to depression and then to addiction. They need to be helped to find ways to meet their needs more healthily, and find ways to deal with stress.

For stop smoking hypnotherapy or help with addictive behaviour contact Mary at Solution Focused Therapy Dublin and she will be happy to help you.

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Or call Mary on 086 100 2923 and she will be happy to help you.