Relationship Problems and Help
Relationship problems can arise for various reasons. One of the commonest causes of relationship difficulty and breakdown is inadequate communication and lack of attention giving. This can happen by couples becoming too complacent over a period of time, which can then result in the accumulation of hurt feelings. And unfortunately this can result in a lack of resilience, and difficulty in withstanding stressful events. However, it is often possible for couples to resolve such relationship issues. First of all they need to recognise what is happening, and then go back to basics and make an effort to give each other more personal attention, as they had done at the start of their relationship. And it is also helpful to improve communication, including having an awareness of differences in male and female communication styles. At Solution Focused Therapy Dublin, we can help you to improve your communication and conflict resolution skills, such as how to stay calm and focused.
Another factor that can commonly impact on a relationship and cause problems is that either one or both partners has a personal issue/s such as a self-esteem or self-confidence issue, an emotional issue such as anxiety, anger or a previous upsetting experience, an issue that affects how they relate to other people etc. These issues may have been present at the commencement of the relationship and have persisted or intensified over time, or they may have arisen at a later time. Some of these personal issues, such as anger, can have a detrimental effect on a relationship, undermining the other partner’s sense of security etc. It is important to seek professional help to deal with personal issues in order to alleviate emotional distress at a personal level as well as for the impact that it can have on your relationship. At Solution Focused Therapy Dublin we can help you to deal with these issues quickly and easily.
Relationship problems can arise if a person is not getting their emotional needs met in balance in their life. When our emotional needs are met in balance in our life, we have a good sense of well-being and it is easier for us to relate well to other people. But if these needs are not being met, we not only lack a sense of well-being, but we are also more at risk of becoming involved in behaviours that are further damaging to our relationships. This can result in hurt and trust issues etc. At Solution Focused Therapy Dublin we can help you to understand your emotional needs and to find ways to get these emotional needs met in balance in your life. And we can help you to resolve feelings of hurt, upset and other issues.
Contact Mary at Solution Focused Therapy Dublin and she will be happy to help you.